Saturday, August 13, 2011

How To Stay Focus and Handling We Frustration in Running a Business

a variety of online business forums, I often see posts about how people end up quitting their jobs to start a business online / internet marketing. This is good news for them - eventually became a netpreneur or for their own boss, have an entire day to themselves, and can start their own business.
On other days, I've also seen posts that talk about the difficulties and desperation in an effort to find uan on the internet. They are the people who are just starting out or those who have been there for a while and have not seen the results they expect in the beginning. Usually boils down to a "problem" mentality they have. One that I see often is a lack of focus and consistency. The remarkable thing about internet marketing (online business) is that whoever you are starting a 16-year-old high school student to a retired 50-year-old retiree can run an Internet business, but it's also like a double-edged sword. Not everyone will have the focus and discipline to pull off a successful business.
I have been interested in the productivity for a long time and narrow down my niche to focus.
The question I ask is what makes a person able to sit down and write 6000-word article for five hours non-stop, compared with people who have difficulty leaving relevant comments on a blog that takes five minutes to read? Why would someone be able to buy products and apply it for seven days, while others can buy the product and completely forget about it after you watch a video clip that ensures they are to achieve earning $ 3,000 per month?
This is an interesting question, not just for the internet business, but for any type of work in general.
Here are some examples of different things you might be good at:
Build Content
Make the article, post or video to your audience
Product Creation
Making or using other people's products that meet market needs, design a sales page, and create graphs for a product
Website Design
Choosing a website template and tweaking the HTML or CSS to make websites look more attractive
Search Engine Optimization
Perform on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and backlink building
Website Promotion
Going on the web 2.0 sites like Google +, Facebook, Twitter and build relationships with people in your niche
In the world of Internet Marketing, at one point or another, you will have to be a creator, designer, or promoter. There are so many things for sure that people will be overwhelmed because they want to do two, three, or all at once. Most people are frustrated because they want a successful Internet business in a flash .. then they do not focus and tried everything .. .. and with what result? None of what they do will succeed ..:)
When I realized that I want to buy hosting and domain name in March 2011, I began to write anything more than content to the site in early February.
During March, I made my website and doing web designing. I always see myself as a writer, and certainly not a website designer, so seeing all kinds of code scares me, but I learned by asking experts in forums such as and the theme of my forum. Most people are very helpful if you just ask.
In April, I researched everything I could about the focus and finish writing an e-book about it. I can add it to my website and proud that I can also get it out there.
Since May and June, I've been trying to do SEO and website promotion including forums blog commenting, posting, and now guests posting.
Sit down and focus hard for everyone, even more so now because of more advanced technology, making information more easily spread to the world at a faster pace. But like anything else, takes practice. You are not given the skills by reading books.
While I can not speak for everyone, here are some tips I've learned along the way to help me better focus and to help newbies or people who are struggling in online business:
1. Define clearly what you want to achieve from internet marketing. Do you want to generate passive income $ 10 per day or $ 5,000 per month; could become the world's best bloggers in your niche or get out of your house and not financially dependent of your parents.
2. Get to know your current situation. Be honest with yourself here. The closer you are to the truth, you will find little resistance when it reaches what you want.
3. Break down your goals in a realistic segments. By realistic, I mean taking a piece of your goals is not so easy that you feel anything when you get there, but not so loud that it's impossible to do. You must find a balance between the two. For me, I dedicate a month or about 30 days to either build content, product creation, website design, or SEO.
4. Focus on doing one thing at a time. Once you've broken your goal, the tasks in front of you should be less intimidating and can be done. Getting rid of all distractions, and just consider one thing to completion. You will be tempted to try and multitask, because it's part of human nature, but remember that research has shown multitasking to reduce the efficiency of a person's weight. If you fall off track, do not blame yourself. Just gently back to what you do. Again, like anything else, this will take practice.
5. Focus on your progress. Progress is everything. People complain because of what they do not have, but not grateful for what they have. If you always worry about what you want in the future but do not have now, that is 100% formula for frustration. Any kind of progress you do today is look at what you have at the moment and it is a formula for 100% satisfaction. Aiming to progress and aim for growth because these are the things that remind you of how far you've gone and how much better you can get.
As long as you know where you are now, know where you want to go, and take action every day, you will eventually reach your goal. You may fail many times, you may have to change course, and you may take longer than you first expected, but at least you'll get results that are supported by your actions, and not another story to tell people.
I hope my experience will help other newbies out there who are currently facing difficulties and frustration of trying to succeed in internet marketing world is crazy. Stay focused and continue to take action ....
Good Luck ....

Friday, August 12, 2011

A Motivation Online Business

All started from a dream .. Have not you read this quote ..? Yupz .. very true .. Dream is the beginning of success .. .. For me personally there is no success without a preceded by a dream ..

Dreams are like a target we must meet so that we always have the motivation that makes us strong and willing to do hard things well .. dreams that will make us able to survive when we fell and then rose again .. Just to share a story .. Approximately one yanglalu half years I had a dream to work at home with online businesses with revenue greater than my salary at that time ... Then I tried hard to realize my dream tSB Yach ... .. And .. the dream has come true ... even beyond my dreams time it .. of course, this success can not be separated from the will of God Almighty ..

However, simply having a dream of course is not enough .. beliefs, willing to work hard, learn and many other positive mental attitude that we must have if we want to succeed whatever the field that we wrestled. Well .. have you had a dream ...? :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Online business is a job I think Ideal

Does your ideal job ..? The answer of course vary and can vary depending on each individual .. But if the question was posed to me .. so my ideal job is:
1. The job provides a salary / compensation / income large
2. That work is the kind of work that I can enjoy or at least not a job I do not like.
3. Job that gives me freedom means the job is not "handcuff" I and "robs" my freedom as a free man. ? In other words .. my ideal job is a job that gives us time freedom.
4. The work which we are not under the position of others, no one else who has a position on our position and nothing could be ordering us.
Well .. of .. the above criteria then became a businessman or entrepreneur is the ideal job to me .. And .. since I have a great interest in the Internet field so I choose the term entrepreneurship on the internet or cool to be an Internet Entrepreneur, or commonly abbreviated netpreneur .
Being a netpreneur provide extraordinary experience for me .. Most of my dreams have been able to realize thanks to my online business I have built this. Success is once again proving my belief all along that with a strong will, hard work, never give up attitude and be accompanied by prayer .. so whatever we dream we can definitely achieve. Spirit!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Business opportunities

In my glasses, the business opportunities that exist everywhere on land or on the internet, your living or working on business opportunities take the most suited to the taste, energy, time, skill and of course your funds. Of course before taking a business opportunity that fits you, it is useful or even have to do market research in advance whether these opportunities can also be produced, sold and sold in the market. Because otherwise, while for the work it needs to sacrifice such as time, effort and funds were then you will lose business to take chances like that.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why The Online Business Beginners Always Failed ..?

Maybe you as an online business beginner never experienced such thing as failure in doing business online, that failure may occur by several factors. But if you have been doing business online is certainly the ultimate goal of monetizing the Internet? True or not ......!!!!!!

The problem that often occurs is how a beginner to start their online business from which the first, many of the online business newbies who assume doubt whether an online business on the internet is real or true, and perhaps an online business is a fraud on the internet.

Based on the fact that I get, the failure in online business for beginners occur by several things:

1. Confused Start From Where ...???
You must be confused beginners in starting an online business, I have to start from where ...?? Perhaps the word - the word is in the hearts of the online business newbies. So the beginner online businesses do not easily tempted by the offer - an offer that is not obvious where you should focus with a business. What is exemplified here again if you run a business arrived - arrived there other online business is more lucrative auto you prefer another and it happened again if there are other online businesses that are better, so with no focus of doing business online then you will be dizzy themselves at a later time because of too many businesses you live. Before that you as a beginner should have a working program before you start flying businesses online so do not feel the confusion in the future.

2. Want to Get Instant Income Without Want to Work And Seek
Maybe this is a prime example of why the beginner online business has always failed, with only expect instant income without going to work is very impossible and miraculous. If in logikakan where there is no work and we are trying to earn money ....??? I think that his business both online and offline is not always the result obtained is an instant, a businessman will always try and work hard to earn a living. All businesses that are the stages and processes to achieve something of success. The risk of failure remains true for the business name either online or offline business.

3. Give Up Easily
When a beginner online business fail they will easily give up and frustrated about what he's doing. As we all know where there is a beginner straight successful online business without having the slightest failure ..???? So for starters you do not easily give up an online business in an online business, try and try to continue to succeed because failure is success delayed.